
  • The paperback edition is now available! Order your Paperback here at Amazon Order Hardcover Here at Amazon Published by Atria Books, A Division of Simon and Schuster, Inc. “Albert Clayton Gaulden is wise, insightful, straight, and committed to the authentic expression of each and every one of us. Join him on this journey and discover a surprise about your authentic nature.” --Debbie Ford, NY Times Bestselling author of Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy "Albert lets us know that we can talk about a new spiritual renaissance to any degree we want, but it cannot happen until enough of us grasp that the spiritual experience has a mental health component. He says that we all have to step back and really look at the parts of our character that hold us back, because only then can we become who we really are--and truly move into a consciousness and mission that changes the world."--James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy Foreword by James Redfield Author of The Celestine Prophecy Endorsed by Paulo Coelho Author of The Alchemist
  • Gaulden's book is divided into five parts. Each section explores different parts of his journey, incorporating all the places he's been, the studies he's made and the people he's met, His point of view is that each client who sought his help made him a better person. At the end of the book, he has some daunting but hopeful words about the conditions of the planet Earth and what we need to do to survive as a race.
  • Have you ever ignored a coincidence and wished you hadn't? Have you ever disregarded a hunch that was later proved as fact? Have you ever had a dream ... and watched it come true? "If prayer is about talking to God, Signs and Wonders is about listening for God's answers" Albert Clayton Gaulden, founder and director of the Sedona Intensive, believes that God speaks to us personally in a language that is rich in symbol and coincidence, offering messages and guidance we can put to use every day to solve our problems and gain peace, joy, and direction. In Signs and Wonders, Gaulden teaches us how to open ourselves up to the language of God, and open ourselves to a more meaningful life. How can we listen to God? How can God help us to understand the answers to our prayers? How can we learn to ward off worry, fear, doubt, and despair? Signs and Wonders contains practical strategies, anecdotes, case studies, and stories of personal transformation that can help us to clear God's channel - the way we listen - and master a new form of communication. For when we learn to be receptive to God's language, we can begin to benefit from its grace. "A brilliant survey of the many ways divine guidance moves in our lives." - James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy Signs and Wonders is an innovative work that offers practical strategies, anecdotes, case studies, and stories of personal transformation to expand our awareness. It teaches us how to listen for and understand the answers to our prayers, to know if we are on the right track when plagued by worry, doubt, and uncertainty. Order at Amazon Today!
  • Albert Gaulden's journey began when he received a remarkable message from his higher-self and guide, Paul. It was at once an inspired vision of man's return to paradise during the coming millennium and a knowing mandate... Albert Clayton Gaulden was to uncover his inner self, and pass that awareness on to other lost souls. In Clearing for the Millennium you will be present with Albert as he vanquishes his personal demons and rejoice as he reenters the realm of the angels. Under his tutelage you will learn the eight spiritual principles that can clear away the shadows that darken your life and discover key insights to attain personal fulfillment, such as the ability to reconnect - discover your inner spirit and regain your integrity; remember - summon and activate your innate wisdom; redream - use your dreams as guidelines in life; restart - build a bridge to truth via healthy inquiry and keen observation; relate - have a joyous relationship with yourself; nobody can make you happy but you; and resurrect - transform pain and sorrow into passion and delight.



In order for prospects to see what we offer and to see if they are a candidate for the Sedona Intensive, Albert Gaulden will give a complimentary consultation for those who are interested in going through the program. Call us at (928) 301-0780 to schedule your FREE Consultation today!

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