Enjoy the Aquarius Newsletter for 2020!
The Signs of the Time–There will be a New Moon in Aquarius on January 24. New Moons signal fresh starts and more open-ended chances for success in new endeavors. This lunation affects Aquarians majorly and other Air Signs, Gemini and Libra, as well. There will be a Full Moon in Leo on February 9. Leos must be cautious and fully aware of all they are doing at this time. Full Moons are about endings and slowing down. Valentine’s Day, February 14 the Moon will be in Scorpio, which gives the deep love and affection a whole new meaning of commitment.
Mercury will go retrograde on February 16 at 12 degrees of Pisces at 7:54 PM EST and will go direct on March 9 at 28 degrees of Aquarius at 11:49 PM EST. Remember–never forget–that anything that can go wrong will under the three weeks of Mercury retrograde.
Continue to pray and meditate. It seems as if the Great Divide in this country is political. As somewhat of a historian since college days, no matter now dire and dim the landscape and machinations seem, deceit and outright lying and distortions eventually come to light and the Republic is once again saved. Having lived thorough World War II, the Korean War and Viet Nam, as well as the market crash in 2008-2009, my bet is on the God of our Understanding. Bad guys always seem to be hiding in plain sight. The problem is that this nation is so ruled by selfish and self-centered politicians that these hooligans go to any length to protect their side of the aisle, be damned the consequences.
This issue of the Newsletter I have chosen to integrate insights from Llewellyn’s 2020 Pocket Planner. His and mine together make cogent and helpful directions for all Signs.
“After attending the Sedona Intensive, I am REBORN!!!”
Testimonial from Leslie Durant
“Hello, my name is Leslie Durant and I’ve just had the most incredible, intense, diverse, amazing spiritual journey of a lifetime. I have experienced stress for my entire life, so much so that a writer for the New York Post wanted to write my life story 15 years ago. Sadly, I have experienced so much more than even I expected after his offer.I lost my sight due to Glaucoma that I received due to an injury by a husband who was a civic leader. I’ve suffered PTSD from multiple sources. To put it mildly, my past life has been a trauma scene from birth.
After attending the Sedona Intensive, I am REBORN!!! My eyes are feeling better and I am, for the first time in my life “seeing” clearly and have the tools to manage ANY situation that may arise. The Sedona Intensive mixes relaxation with work that will clear your soul. I had no idea I have a female/male side in me…Amazing! I now know how to take care of my poor inner child that was never good enough. I’ve learned to be kind and loving to myself, which I never have.

I’ve never been good enough in anyone’s eyes until 6 days ago when I learned to shine. Each and every one that I worked with were the most amazing, intelligent, skilled people I’ve ever met and I believe I’ve made lifelong friends. I felt very loved at every breathing, creative arts, massage, reflexology, numerology and cranio therapy (spelling?) session I attended.
There will never be words to express how life changing this course was to me. Similar courses can cost upwards of $30,000 for a week. I was incredibly surprised that the Sedona Intensive was so beyond reasonable which allows most everyone to attend this lifesaving course. I believe the course director, World Famous Albert Clayton Gaulden, is offering this course as a true gift of giving….
An added bonus is Alberts beloved pup, Mr. Darby, who in his own right is quite established as an author and intuitive. These two have brought me so much love, light and happiness in just 6 miraculous day. I recommend The Sedona Intensive to the entire world and this is coming from a woman who was so severely mentally abused and injured that I thought I’d never live a full life. Thank you, Albert and Mr.Darby and each and everyone who did the impossible, fixed a very broken me….”
Monthly Insights for the Signs
Fire Signs
ARIES (March 20 – April 19)–If you’ve had a hard time staying focused lately, help is on the way in the form of direction and creativity. Avoid being overly competitive with others, challenging yourself is more beneficial. You’ll be meeting deadlines like a champ, so reward yourself for your hard work.
LEO (July 22 – August 22)–You’ll be motivated to make adjustments to your routine. Doing something that feels luxurious will give you the energy boost you need. It will become clear to you what you need to shed in your life in order to move toward achieving your dreams. And always remember you are not the Voice of the troublesome Ego but someone who knows that each of us is doing the best with the hand life has dealt us.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 20)–Have fun and indulge a bit, but first it’s time to rid yourself of the old ideas you’ve outgrown. Watch people’s reactions to what you say and be conscious of hurt feelings. You may have to reexamine or restate your thoughts and opinions. You are the Sign of wanderlust and stating exactly what’s on your mind with no filter. You may want to rewrite your script now that we are all living in the New Year.
Earth Signs
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)–You’ve grown accustomed to the chaos. You’ll be motivated in productive ways, so take advantage of the push in the right direction. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get done. It’s like pushing a boulder along a flat surface rather than up a steep hill.
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)–Miscommunications, possible hurt feelings, and brain fog may slow down your progress. Take a deep breath and set new goals and intentions–helpful and productive energy is on its way. Be open to talking things through, and know it will all work out in time. Your life’s mission is to stay open with less internalized judgments and unshakeable opinions. I send only blessings to you all, Brothers and Sisters of Mind Management.
CAPRICORN (December 21 – January 19)–Just when you thought you couldn’t increase your productivity any more, it was revealed to you that you can. That doesn’t mean you should. Examine the direction you’ve chosen and shed anything that’s not working. If you’ve taken on too much, make the necessary adjustments to do your best. You need to tell all those planets this month in Capricorn, “Get off my back; I am doing the best I can with what I’ve got left.”
Air Signs
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)–It’s been an exercise in patience and perseverance lately. Learning something new will keep your brain happy and busy and distract you from whatever inescapable thing is pushing your buttons. Have a partner or a friend join you and make it a social event. Since we are in a New Year, mean what you say and say what you mean that reflects the real you.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)–Harmony may seem difficult to achieve. You might even feel downright prickly. Doing something for yourself may seem ill-timed, but it’s the best way to manage how you’re feeling. Once you’ve done that, do something nice for someone else to restore your equilibrium. The downside of your Sign is that you are always indecisive when it is time to cast a ballot or share how you feel deep down.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 17)–It’s a good time to revisit financial goals, and new insights into relationships will be illuminating. If you’re having trouble verbalizing what you need, write it down first. This will make those tough emotions easier to analyze and share. Whatever you do, don’t stay stuck. Express and address what can only free you up.
Water Signs
CANCER (June 21 – July 21)–Finding a balance between work and play has been increasingly difficult. Talking to someone about how you’ve been feeling will get easier soon. Take advantage of it. Although it’s not your instinct to verbalize your emotions, you finally may find it necessary for your well-being. And may I remind you that you do not need to play mother or father hen to everyone you meet. Tend to your own business.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)–There are many opportunities to change your circumstances when you’re functioning with your eyes wide open. If you’re holding on for dear life with your eyes closed, you’ll miss those opportunities. So open your eyes as well as your heart, and loosen your grip and see what materializes. You may often languish in the dark but you are the progenitors of Light, and don’t you ever forget it.
PISCES (February 18 – March 19)–Be clear about what you want and need. Set goals that are realistic and benefit your overall well-being, then get to work on achieving them. There will be plenty of opportunities to make personal progress. Your innate nature is to procrastinate and dilly dally; do what you need to do to get out of this stuck place.
Featured Siblings of the Month
Andrew Joseph Bell
Although just like most siblings we’ve had our battles, I couldn’t have asked for a greater friend or sister than Ashley. Growing up, we were totally on different wavelengths and timelines. For starters. Ashley is five years older and her interests were the polar opposites of mine. While I was bouncing a basketball; with quixotic dreams of becoming the next Michael Jordan, Ashley was whisked away from one rehearsal to the next in hopes of becoming the next Maria callas. While I procrastinated on every homework assignment, Ashley was so diligent that it sometimes seemed like she had already completed her work before it had even been assigned.
Whenever she had a day off, it was spent reading, with her door locked, so there wasn’t much time for us to converse. In fact, there would have been little for us to say. As I grow older however, my interests evolved. I started to gain an appreciation for literature, theater, film and I became invested in the idea of writing and directing some of my own. This overlapped nicely with where Ashley was at the time. Frustrated with the limitations of the opera world, Ashley had sought to carve out her own career in music. She launched an opera company and sought a director to tackle the first show. And that’s where I stepped in. It was an opportunity for me to flex my muscles, find my directorial voice and bond with my sister. And bond we did. The show was trying in many ways. We reimagined l’elisir d’amore in a golf resort and tried to inject new life into the piece. With a wet behind the ears creative team, that presented some challenges. Ultimately though the show was a thrilling experience and it was the first of many. We have since teamed up to collaborate on three other shows and have grown closer with each subsequent production. While our approaches and demeanors have remained quite distinct, we’ve managed to bridge the gulf and to find creative ways to see eye to eye. I couldn’t be more grateful to have such a wise, disciplined person from my own bloodline to lean on whenever I’m stuck and I can’t wait to see firsthand the remarkable things she’ll be able to realize in her own career and life in the years to come.
Ashley Galvani Bell
Andrew and I are very different. But although our differences caused fights when we were kids, it is these differences that brought us together as adults and helped us work as a team, complementing each other with our different strengths and becoming “thicker than thieves”. Andrew is an incredibly gifted writer – whereas I in school always took forever to write my papers, analyzing each word to make sure it sounded ok, he has the natural ability to write something on his first try that will sound a million times better than my 100th attempt. He also has the gift of gab and is able to make friends with everyone he meets. When our grandmother was very ill, Andrew had the brilliant idea to found our own opera company and decided to direct our first show which was a resounding success and which Nan was able to attend. Since then, we have collaborated on more than 5 different shows, not only with him as a director, but a few including original scripts that he wrote. This experience together helped build my confidence and performance ability so that now I am a professional opera singer performing on an international level including Carnegie Hall, New York City Opera and Rioja Forum Forum Spain in such operas as Madama Butterfly, La Boheme and Othello.
Andrew and I also share a love of reading and love to share books and discuss them with each other. The two of us also love films, theatre and our favorite athlete, Rafael Nadal. I’m incredibly lucky to have such a kind, brilliant and supportive brother, and I look forward to our relationship continuing to blossom for many years to come.
Stay-at-Home Sedona Intensive™
I now use SKYPE to be able to see and be seen by clients as I counsel them. This allows those who choose to stay at home and work through life issues to use a service we are now offering called Stay-at-Home Intensive™. Inquire now, 928-282-4723 or albert@sedonaintensive.com to find out more about this service. This Intensive is spread out over several weeks right from your home rather than the 5-days in Sedona.
Moments and Windstorms: Take Back Your Power
This ground-breaking book offers an in-depth journey through the author’s eye-opening addiction to alcohol and how he eventually got sober. Gaulden has written a number of books as well as being Founding Director of the Sedona Intensive, one of the country’s most highly regarded alternative personal growth programs.
The author shares all the ways God was leading and guiding him even when he was still drinking. “Most of us look at false paradigms to measure success in our lives. So much of where I went and the jobs I took helped me remember what I was to do as my life’s work.”
Gaulden’s book is divided into five parts. Each section explores different parts of his journey, incorporating all the places he’s been, the studies he’s made and the people he’s met. His point of view is that each client who sought his help made him a better person. At the end of the book, he has some daunting but hopeful words about the conditions of the planet Earth and what we need to do to survive as a race.
Purchase Moments and Windstorms: Take Back Your Power here (Kindle and Print Editions)
The MELT Method is a breakthrough self-treatment technique that restores the fluid state and the supportiveness of the body’s connective tissue to combat chronic pain, improve performance and decrease the accumulated stress caused by everyday living. People find their sleep and digestion also improves. The method uses props…three small balls on your hands and feet and a soft roller for your body.
For more information contact Gail at gailgalvanibell@gmail.com.
“I have benefitted from Gail Bell’s M.E.L.T. expertise for several years. It is amazing what a few small balls and a roller can do to de-stress and rejuvenate the whole body. Gail is a practitioner for my Sedona Intensive clients. Her breath work is miraculous, especially for performance work and acting. If you’re in New York, call her and sign up for a class or private instruction. You will realize a significant change in your body from the first session.”
–Albert Clayton Gaulden, Founding Director, The Sedona Intensive™
Extended Sessions Get You Where You’re Trying to Go
Albert is offering weekly sessions via SKYPE or phone that can serve as a push in
the right direction with strategies to get you there.
From the Blog
The Cave You Fear
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek. This is a brilliant quote from a man many revere as the Father of Mythology, Joseph Campbell. When I read all his books and studied The Power of Myth...
Has the World Turned Up-Side-Down?
Sometimes I wake up and think the world turned upside down while I slept. But, no, it’s just negative, fearful, religious zealot loudmouthed naysayers trying to...
Mutual Reception
When two planets in one’s astrological chart are in the sign of the other, the two planets are said to be in mutual reception. For instance when Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn was in Scorpio...
When you are Down and Out
Compulsions and Addictions may be what are making you antsy, irritable and discontent. Now that we are in the dog days of summer perhaps you may be feeling like you are headed for the dog...
The Greatest Night of My Life
The Light Foundation Scholarship Fund threw a fancy dinner to celebrate my 35th AA Anniversary. 70 friends, family and clients gathered in the Monet Ballroom at L’Auberge...
What Our Clients Are Saying About The Sedona Intensive
“The Sedona Intensive was a life changing experience for me. I had been searching for happiness and serenity for over 20 years and as a result of the Intensive I found that I was looking in all the wrong places. I not only experienced what happiness and serenity truly are but now understand the process needed to maintain and enhance that state of being. It doesn’t mean that I don’t experience the ups and downs of life but what it does mean is that those downs do not even come close to impacting me the way they used to. There is now a presence of mind that provides clarity and purpose that did not exist for me prior to the Intensive.
It is impossible to put a value on such a quality of life enhancing experience that the Sedona Intensive provides the person willing to do the work.It is by far the most significant thing I have done in my 62 years.
I came across a quote last week that summed up what I experienced and learned while attending the Sedona Intensive – ‘Once you stop clinging and let things be, you’ll be free’ -Bodhidharma (440ce – 528 ce), the Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma: A Bilingual Edition.”
— Gary, Ontario
Don’t forget to buy Mr. Darby’s book! Available from Amazon!
by Mr. Darby
Learn More and Get the Book at Amazon!
Transpersonal psychologist, astro-intuitive, author, lecturer, and founding director of the Sedona Intensive, Albert Clayton Gaulden has influenced countless individuals from all walks of life — actors, athletes, financial specialists, teachers, families, psychologists and psychiatrists — from all corners of the earth — helping them to retrieve their authentic selves and to tap into the inner core of their power. Discover Your Authentic Self with Albert Clayton Gaulden
Explore Your Life With Astrology Chart Readings
Are you at a point in your life where you have more questions than answers?
Do you need direction or insight into your personal or professional life?
Why do other people seem to get all the breaks and you make all the mistakes?
Have you ever wondered why things seem to go awry or stay stuck during Mercury
Did you ever investigate why solar eclipses and lunar eclipses seem to
change your life forever?
These and many other areas are explored in astrology chart readings.