Become Your Authentic Self Through Resolution and Recovery in the Following Areas:
Together we will bring you to an understanding of the limiting patterns preventing you from living your dream of personal or professional success. The Sedona Intensive will reveal, through a one-on-one process, your true character.
You will become a self-empowered authentic human being destined for a life of joy, peace and fulfillment.
In only five days, transpersonal psychologist, Albert Clayton Gaulden, founder and director of the Sedona Intensive, will guide you through the process of revelation. Together with his professional team of therapists, you will explore untapped possibilities and potentials. This process encourages you to recognize the unconscious roles you play and the beliefs that go with them. You will expand your awareness and thereby free your authentic self. The effectiveness of the Sedona Intensive is corroborated by hundreds of client testimonials and referrals.
Our Program Frees You to Achieve Your Goals
The Sedona Intensive helps participants confront fear, inadequacy and resentments, in order to be free from the bondage of self and others. We uncover what lies beneath emotional disorders and assist you with addiction recovery. Our model provides individualized treatment for reduction of anxiety, anger, depression and disappointment. The Sedona Intensive frees your negative emotions that disrupt the balance and harmony of life.
With the help of the Sedona Intensive, I pulled into consciousness those unconscious habits and addictions that had kept me from a greater life. I became aware of exactly when my indifference kicks in, why it gets in the way, and what my real self feels when I break free of this control drama.
–James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy
Addiction Recovery and Resolution is a Family Matter
The Sedona Intensive will free you from the destructive patterns learned early in your life. It is these old patterns and programs that keep you grid-locked. Recovery from behavioral problems is a family matter. The Sedona Intensive specializes in recovery for the whole family.
We Teach You How to Listen to Your Intuitive Voice
We turn up the volume of your intuitive voice and teach you how to listen. As you begin to trust yourself you will resolve your life conflicts. The answers to your problems are within you.
*The Intensive program fee includes all materials, therapies and 6 weeks of AfterCare by telephone.
“There is a giant asleep within everyone. When the giant awakes miracles happen.”
– Frederick Faust